Datenschutzerklärung Privacy Statement

The data protection regulations of TU Ilmenau apply, in addition:

I. General Information on Data Processing

The purpose of the University Bibliography is to provide a largely complete publication list of all TU Ilmenau members. In principle, we only process personal data of our users to the extent that is necessary to provide a functional website and our contents and services. This is done to perform the task assigned to us of supporting teaching and research according to Art. 6 point (e) of paragraph 1 GDPR. As far as we obtain consent for the processing of personal data, Art. 6 point (a) of paragraph 1 GDPR serves as the legal basis. An exception applies in those cases where obtaining consent in advance is not possible for factual reasons and the processing of the data is permitted by legal regulations.

II. Connection Data and Log Files

Every time you access the web pages of the bibliography, your web browser automatically transports data of the calling computer. This is a basic function of the World Wide Web and cannot be influenced by us. The following data is transmitted and stored in log files:

  • Date and time of access
  • Addresses of the accessed web pages
  • IP address of the user
  • Information on the operating system and browser type used

The temporary processing of this connection data is technically mandatory for the provision of the platform. The storage in log files is carried out to optimize and ensure the platform’s functionality and security. For statistical purposes, the log file data is regularly processed in anonymized form. Personal access data is deleted after 7 days.

III. Session-Cookies

The University Bibliography uses so-called Session-Cookies. These are small information units stored by a web server in the working memory of the visitor’s computer. In Session-Cookies, a randomly generated and unique identification number – a so-called session ID – is stored. A cookie also contains information on its origin and retention period. These cookies cannot store any other data. The Session-Cookies we use are essential for the function of our website, so that your browser can be recognized after a web page change. They are automatically deleted when you close your web browser. Session-Cookies are not used to create user profiles.

IV. Login Data

A login with personal data is only required by university members to edit the bibliography; it is not necessary for the search for publications or to gain reading access. To submit publications, university members register with their university identifier. The following user data is processed and stored by the bibliography:

  • Name
  • User ID (for authentication only, not stored)
  • eduPersonUniqueID
  • Time and date of the last login
  • User roles (e.g. administrator, the roles are assigned within the bibliography)
  • Links to the publications recorded in the bibliography, incl. date and time of the last modification

The storage and processing of this data is carried out only to perform the task assigned to us of supporting teaching and research according to Art. 6 point (e) of paragraph 1 GDPR and is required

  • to prove authorization to use the bibliography
  • to communicate with the authors
  • to prove the authorship of the publications

V. Publication data

The purpose of this bibliography is the worldwide provision of a largely complete publication list of all TU Ilmenau members. Therefore we store, process and publish personal data of persons involved in publications:

  • Names and roles (e.g. author, editor)
  • Unique author identifiers (e.g. ORCID iD, GND)
  • Information on the organizational affiliation (e.g. university, faculty, institute)

This serves to clearly prove and acknowledge authorship. By transferring the publication meta data we also transmit these personal data to third parties and provide them via interfaces:

  • to scientific and general search engines like Google
  • to third parties worldwide, via interfaces like OAI (Open Archives Initiative) and the Google Sitemap protocol